节约用水从家里开始. 小的调整可以产生大的影响. Boston residents can order a free water conservation kit to get started.
- Flow meter bag to measure water usage in showered and sinks before installing conservation devices
- 染色药片检查厕所是否漏水
- Kitchen and bathroom faucet aerators to maintain flow while reducing usage
- 更换低流量莲蓬头
只在需要的时候给草坪浇水. 确定这一点的一个好方法是踩上去. 如果它重新发芽,就不需要浇水了. 如果它保持平坦,就是浇水的时候了. 给草坪浇水的最佳时间是清晨. Watering mid-day will result in a high rate of evaporation and sunburnt grass and will leave grass vulnerable to disease from mildew and fungus
刮风时不要浇水. 你的水会流到任何地方,除了你的草坪
Make sure that the sprinkler is aimed at your lawn and not the street or sidewalk
在外部软管上安装一个触发喷嘴. This will allow the water to be automatically turned off when the hose is not in use
If you have an automatic sprinkler, make sure the timer is set to water each landscape efficiently. Install a rain or soil moisture sensor that turns the system off when it rains or if moisture is present in the soil
将割草机叶片的高度提高到2-3英寸或更高. Longer grass retains more moisture because it shades the roots. It also encourages deeper rooting, requires less fertilizer and competes better against weeds
Aerate your soil in the spring and fall to aid water absorption and retention
Cover your ground with mulch to reduce evaporation and the number of weeds that would otherwise compete with the plant for moisture
Save time and water by placing shrubs, flowers, and vegetables near each other in your garden
Plan your garden according to the various zones in your yard (hot/sunny, cool/shady, moist, dry, etc.)
Choose low water-use plants that not only withstand dry summers but actually thrive in drier soil. Check out the Massachusetts Horticulture website at www.masshort.Org获取更多信息
Use a drip irrigation system or soaker hose in gardens that need the most water. Drip irrigation can use 30%-70% less water than overhead sprinkler systems. A soaker hose is a canvas or rubber hose with perforations. It is most effective when it lies on top or slightly below soil level and mulch is placed over the soil and hose. You can install the hose in the spring and leave it in place all season. 在一般情况下, use the drip irrigation or soaker hose methods until the soil is moist 3-4 inches below the surface
Place rain barrels or other large containers under downspouts to collect rainwater to use for watering your garden. 使用盖子, 网眼织物, or several drops of baby oil on the surface of the water to prevent mosquito breeding
漏水的厕所浪费了大量的水. Your toilet could have a leak that you may not even know about. 测试厕所是否有看不见的漏水, place a few drops of food coloring or a dye tablet into the toilet’s tank. 等待大约10到15分钟,不要冲洗, 如果颜色出现在碗里, 有一个漏洞. To repair this, the flush valve may need to be cleaned or replaced. 零件价格低廉,易于安装.
The toilet is the single biggest water user in your home. Flushing a regular toilet uses 5 to 7 gallons per flush, which accounts for more than one-third of the water used in your home each day. By replacing a regular model toilet with a low-flow toilet you can automatically reduce your home water consumption by 25%. Low-flow toilets, which are now installed per the building code, use only 1.每次冲洗5加仑. MWRA有一份名单 可用的低流量厕所.
如果你不能更换马桶, consider reducing the volume of each flush by placing a toilet dam or a water-filled plastic bottle weighted with gravel in the tank. Be sure not to interfere with the flushing mechanism.
A faucet or showerhead that drips just two tablespoons per minute can waste over 5,000加仑/年. Worn out washers are the main cause of most dripping faucets or showerheads. 它们既便宜又容易安装.
Faucet aerators that mix air with tap water can reduce the flow to 1.5 to 2.每分钟5加仑. Without the aerators, the faucet uses 3 to 7 gallons per minute. Installing a faucet aerator is a simple procedure that can reduce your water usage.
Some showerheads use 3 to 7 gallons or more per minute. 低流量淋浴喷头只使用1.每分钟5加仑.
BWSC supplies faucet aerators and low flow showerheads at no cost to our customers as part of our conservation kit.
Check under sinks, behind your washing machines and around basement plumbing for wet areas. Leaks not only waste water, they could be damaging your walls, floors and ceilings.
Use your dishwashers and washing machines for full loads only. Newer energy and water efficient models are available. 选择新电器时, check the water and energy efficiency ratings in the manufacturer’s specifications or consumer magazines and look for the Energy Star label.
- Shut off the water when brushing your teeth, shaving or doing dishes
- Take shorter showers and don’t fill the bathtub to the top when bathing
- Keep a jug of drinking water in your refrigerator to avoid running water until it is cold enough to drink
- 外出就餐时, say no to the glass of water brought to your table, 如果你知道你不会喝它